Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hai dere from Raz

Still on holidays and spending some late nights in SL. Met a lot of nice people and caught up with some dear friends, who always make me feel so welcome. Some are building, some changing sims, some are changing partners, some just cruising, but always doing something.

Have spent some time at the Jungle lately enjoying the company of many and varied characters including skunks/racoon types, fairies, wildlife with bushy tails and some just plain bloody good looking avies.

My big brother in SL is white haired Joshiwa. Dont let the white hair fool you, he is a big fella in a number of ways, not the least is having a big heart and being a staunch ally. He is partnered to Kev and they have a loving relationship.

I asked him for a quote and got something like "always ready for action". Not sure what he meant as he is North American, but I dont hold that against him.

I'm the friend who likes to stir em up and give shit , but lol I get just as much back, all in the name of fun. If you start getting too serious about yourself its time to go and sit in a corner and ponder on the question 'what the stuff am I here for?'

One day I'll work out how to make this blog visually attractive -until then the printed word will have to do. If you have any suggestions throw em my way, they might be useful decorating the page.

Till I rave next time.. Raz

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Little Musing

Gee, I am a lucky fella.

I been through some pretty traumatic times on SL over the last two years or more - nearly all have involved relationships.

Each time I have been going to leave SL and stick to the less complex real life.

But the three people I have been so engrossed with and thought I'd lost have turned out to be three of my best friends on SL. Add to that several other really close freinds and that is why I am on SL.

Someone once said that when one door closes, another opens. And I love the door of friendship.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

G'day Everyone - I'm Back!

Back from holidays in Bali - just beautiful at this time of the year.

Won't say much, except that I sang and danced and rocked and drank and walked and slept and etc etc; without worrying about back home at all.

Now I'm back home I'm freezing my nuts off - even having to light a fire at night to keep warm. Already can't wait to go again.

Now I'm back on SL I'm realizing how complicated it can get and how relationships come and go so quickly - like butterflies.

Anyhow this avatar is going to keep it simple - just enjoy myself and hopefully make people round me feel good; without any long term commitments. There's enough of that in RL.

Heres to an every improving SL and to my friends - goodonyamate

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Sometimes you just need a break.

A break from the normal day to day things.

I class Second Life and my many friends as part of my Life as much as Real Life is.
So for me, after two years, whats real and what's not is not always clear - even in RL.

So I am going away to another world - in another place - to see how the other half (or is it third?) live.

I'm heading to Bali for two weeks to check out the sights and sounds and to enjoy a few coldies round the pool.

I know you will all keep up the good work in SL so it will be there when I come back.

Until then - au revoir, auf weidesehn, sayonara, toodle do, see ya later hairy legs, catchya, cyal8r, oohroo!

luvs ya All!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Reflections on the Written/NonWritten Word

When you been on sl for a while you start to realise the power that words have, especially the typed word where there is no verbal communication. Once it is typed it is there, just like the spoken word, never to be taken back.

You try to interpret not just the literal word but the context in which they may have been said/are being said at the time.

Over time you build up a mental picture of the person you are talking to and you use that in your understanding of what is being typed.

Often what is not said/typed is just as powerful as in absorbing the overall picture and indicating the attitude of the other party; and the little things start to become important. When someone stops doing the little things that sort of make a relationship just that bit special from others you start to wonder if they really want to be with you.

I've been through that recently and its the last point that caused me some distress.
As I have written before , the heart is a very emotional thing. It causes the head to act in an irrational or emotional state sometimes. Sometimes you regret it, sometimes you don't.

Friday, July 3, 2009

And the Time has Come the Walrus said

I've had the most wonderful time on sl over the last weeks, primarily due to my good friend Jay.

However all good things must come to an end, or so they say, and the Tyranny of Distance strikes again. Im sad in one way, but happy in another - you dont often get to share the intimacy of someone who just enjoys being with you and when it came I grabbed it with both hands.

I have a number of very close friends who seem to look over me, and to these I add Jay. I will follow his fortunes in sl from a distance but not without some part of my heart following.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I've been on SL for nearly 2 years now - what a two years
- from a shy str8 to a shy gay.
How has this happened?
I feel more at ease with gay people thats why;
but I also love my str8 companions.
Maybe I got the best of both worlds!
but I currently am having my heart explode with someone new.
- something that has already happened twice.
I don't know what will happen, but I'm going along for the ride.
Bear with me my friends, as I love you to.

Friday, March 6, 2009

On Being Human

When times are tough and/or rough the response varies from person to person from "why the f ... me?" to "lets get on with it". Sometimes the answer to the first question evokes the response in the second question. Sometimes it doesnot.

What the f... is Ras raving about you may very well say....well at least you've read this far...

Well I am talking about many things, from the rough and tumble of life, to the things that happen to us externally and the invisible things that happen internally.

Like the loss of a friend, be they animal or mineral, or injury suffered in an accident, or the heartache of losing someone. Often far harder to resolve than the physical is the link between the head and the heart.

The head urges you to do this, but the heart pleads for another course of action. It is sometimes said the head is the practical, logical director whilst the heart is the emotional manager. Sometimes I think the head is not rational at all, only pretends to be because that is what society says we are supposed to do in certain scenarios.

For myself , the older I get the more convinced I am is that it is only by sharing our hearts with someone else that we can really express and do what we are and be what we want to be.

Yes I have been guilty of petulance, of wanting to get even, of sulking, of walking away from relationships because it doesnot suit my head, but I suppose I am lucky because it does not last long and the heart takes over again.

To all my friends, I love you all, and I hope that whatever is happening to you at the moment makes you gentler, yet stronger and more determined to being a better human with a richer heart.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ravings 3

The meaning of life is not ours to wonder of - life falls like a petal from heaven, so delicate and yet so strong, to be broken in any manner of ways, whether it is in the mornng or the evning of our existence.

As i try to grapple why I'm here I think of those people most horribly put to death by natures fire and wonder that but for the grace of something I know not about , might it be I.

And I think of my four legged mate - my beautiful blonde female labrador who gave me so much love and affection for four years and who was most horribly put down by nature, in the guise of a snake last Sunday.

There is no rhyme or reason why life is extinguished when it is, just that life is life and death is death and both can cause so much heartache.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

On Whats It All About

Well today is Friday - the start of a long long weekend for me.!
Iz got things to do and places to see today, both in SL and RL.

And while Iz sits here Iz ponders on the meaning of life -
Iz wonders - "wots it all about Alfie"
Iz don't bloody know!
Why am I here, what the hell am Iz doing whilst Im here,
When will Iz leave?!

Till recently Iz was just ho humming a long in life, down the highway
to somewhere, Iz knows not where.
Then Iz lost someone very dear to me in RL , and Iz think the same
is gunna happen again, soon.
And my heart was very heavy.

And then Iz came upon a Second Life and my heart was lifted.
So many nice people in the world.
The Virtual world that becomes real.

Iz got three very special friends living in diff parts of the world and
they are known as
Jas, Juz and Andro.
Three people that have made me appreciate the value of friendship
and love as a friend.

And then Iz have many other friends and contacts who have all enriched
my sl in one way or the other and Iz thank em all.

And that brings me back to where Iz started thinking -
ooh such a headache it causes!

Iz gunna explore the meaning of life more in these future pages,
as Iz grapple with whom Iz really am and wot Iz can do to make the world
a better place. Iz no saint and these is no noble sentiments, just a desire to
make things better and if not that, at least make people happier.

Till then bear with me as Iz removes some of the clutter from my head
and start to express myself - que sera sera....Raz

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hello Dere

Just a quickie

Da weekends come and am I Glad - da heartaches come, da heartaches gone - time to move on and enjoy SL for what it was intended.

As one of my really close freinds told me - SL is a place where you can try out all those things you might have done in RL but for either being forced to make life changing decisions at the time or making just plain silly decisions.

In that case I got a lot of catchingup to do - to explore, to seek and to find just really who I am.

Wish me luck!.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hi there

It's me... Raz

A beginner to the blog world.
Not New to Secondlife though; and alls its lags and crashes and joys and building and friendships, joys and heartaches.
Just someone who loves to make friends and yap (talk).
One day I will learn to use this electronic media effectively, including getting up a video, till then que sera sera. Maybe I will be able to get my good friends Justyn and Sweet Kong to help me lol.

But for the moment I'm chilling out, taking things easy and as me grandfather always told me
"never let the bastards beat ya!"

Till next time when I got some meaningful to say .. take care and be good.... Raz